January 9, 2013

Today is one of those days I just want to stay inside with a hot drink and wear leggings and a sweater. Actually, I should rephrase that... today IS on of those days I am going to stay inside with a hot drink, wearing leggings and a sweater ;) It's dark, and very rainy, and I'm so glad I did my grocery shopping yesterday. So, the kids and I will do school work, and I am also going to try a new recipe for Creamy Tortellini Soup~ now how's that for a wintery day?


  1. Well now, I want to trade places with you today, because inside doing school work with kids, wearing leggings and a sweater, with a hot drink sounds so much better than at the office. Jealous!

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Isn't it great to have a day when you can stay in all day? Not worry about going out to do messages, or pick people up, just enjoy your own little cozy nest.

  3. Don't forget the fireplace and the good book! Today IS a good day for being indoors, even up here.

  4. Soup and a winter day go well together! You could have showed us the soup :)

  5. You do texture relaly well:)Love these I looked back at a few because I had missed them...

  6. First of all, love your cups! I have a recipe for minestrone soup with tortellini that is one of my family's favorites. We should all hibernate a little in winter. It seems to me that this is the perfect activity for a January day . . . Let us know how your soup turned out! :)

  7. I love those kind of days (provided they do not come in sets of 7). Fantastic shot of your teacups.

  8. Perfect day to stay in - and perfect shot to go with it!
